Saturday, August 8, 2009

Are Promises made to be broken AGAIN?

Our President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo stand less than 5feet tall,but she does not blame the mirror for it. President Gloria declared that our country overcome the crisis in oil, food and economy. She also announced that 86% of the filipinoes are covered with health insurance.
She also decided to give a maximum retail rate for some medicines( Cheaper Medicine Law ), she also agreed for the one year morotorium for the increased of the rent of houses ( Rent control Act )and she also declared that some of the barangay's had already electricity ( biofuels act ),but how come she is now blaming the media for the perseption that the country is one of the most corrupt in the world?The most elemental and easily understood description of the media is that it is the mirror of society,In other words it merely reflects what there is that exist. The media can't make up what is not there.
Before the SONA ended she told that Manny Pacquiao is one of the model of all the filipino citizens in our country, some filipinoes said that this is because Manny agreed for all what President Gloria declared in her State of the Nation Address( SONA ).
When the SONA ended Vice President Noli De Castro counted all the clapped that President Gloria got in declaring her deeds .It is bigger than the total claps last year.But should we believe it?It is like an anecdote about the queen who was the only sane woman in her kingdom. All her subjects were a bunch of crazies who thought they were sane and it was the queen instead who was the screwball. So the queen drove himself mad and everybody lived happily ever after.

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